How To Reduce Anxiety

Unfortunately, anxiety is common in our population. The chaos in the world right now, makes people feel uneasy. Whether it is big or small stressors we all experience some form of anxiety. Luckily, nervousness and anxiety can be reduced by simple healing techniques.

When you feel anxious, you are thinking with your right prefrontal cortex, which is the seat of negativity. There are many neuro-flipping techniques that instantly move you to your happy left prefrontal cortex. Here is the easiest and fastest neuro-switch. It works just as fast as a light switch. Smile, and your neurochemistry becomes happy and floods your entire being. Don’t feel like smiling? Then stick a pencil sideways in your teeth. Moving your mouth into a smiling position releases the same happy chemical stew as actually smiling releases and causes you to feel great.

Other easy techniques to reduce anxiety

Anxiety is caused by a chemical physical reaction to something. It can be an emotional reaction to work, fear or just chronic underlying anxiousness felt throughout the day. If we discover the root of our emotions, then it is easier to reduce anxiety. Just naming a feeling makes it manageable. The simple act of saying, “I’m anxious” will reduce anxiety.

When you feel anxiousness start to overcome you, you may sit with yourself and ask “Where is this feeling coming from?” Take as much time as you need and feel your emotions. Feeling emotion allows the body to do what it needs, express feelings. When we repress our emotions, we suppress the body’s natural expression. So that when we feel our next anxiety attack it feels twice as bad. Feelings are meant to be felt. If you think you’re too emotional or don’t like to be expressive, find private ways to release feelings.

Emotions can be externalized and released with physical activity. Take a run, play some ball, hit the side of the bathtub with a rolled up towel while you yell dirty words. Some people find writing exactly what they feel is a good way to release pent up feelings and relax. We had a son-in-law who liked to compete with throwing pinecones at the trunks of pine trees. It didn’t take long before his anger turned to laughter. What works for you?

Releasing anxiety

Journaling is a very effective way to release emotions, for most people. Writing allows the body to release stressful neurochemicals. It can also enhance discernment. There is no right or wrong way to journal, just write down your thoughts. Journaling can help acknowledge uneasiness and clear creative space in minds. After you have cleared mental and emotional space you might choose to fill that void with positive affirmations. Saying positive sentences that start with “I am” or “I feel” is helpful as it puts the mind and body in the present moment and lifts vibrations to a happier mindset.

When we feel anxiety, it is helpful to remove ourselves from the situation if we can. Whether it is looking away, stepping out of the room, or going outside to get some fresh air. Shifting the environment helps reduce anxiety. It is hard to heal something when we are in a state of disturbance. Take time away and create space to calm yourself.

If you’re experiencing recurrent anxiety over the same topic, it would be in your best interest to change your mind set about the entire situation. For example, if you have to give presentations at your job and you get a lot of anxiety with public speaking, change your perspective. Perspectives may be changed by gaining more confidence, practicing the presentation more, or establishing closer relationships to the people you’re presenting to. You might join a toastmasters’ group. We feel more comfortable when we practice what is causing the anxiety. Just naming the feelings of nervousness or anxiety will calm the body and improve the body’s neurochemistry.

There are many ways to reduce anxiety. We all suffer from it. We are all human and all experience the same emotions. Realizing that you’re not alone in this journey will provide you with more support and encouragement to heal. A helpful tip is to remember that anxiety is caused by fear and fear stands for “False Evidence Appearing Real”. Keeping a mental note that anxiety is created from an illusion in the right prefrontal cortex can help reduce tension. Discover different ways to ease emotions. Practice different techniques to find what best resonates with you. Don’t be hard on yourself, give yourself permission to be nervous or anxious. Focus on breathing to calm yourself when dealing with anxiety. And be quick to grab a pencil to hold in your teeth: Smile!