Five Strategies to Help Your Child Succeed in School

Kids can be a full-time job! But among the seemingly never-ending list of important tasks, one of the best things you can do for your child is to ensure their…

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How to Put Your Money to Good Use

Have you ever thought of creative ways to increase your income? Commonly, we have one or two sources of income. But, did you know that most successful people have up…

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Preparing For Back To School

The most substantial transition of the year returns, going back to school. We all know the sadfeeling of summer coming to an end and getting ready for the new school…

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Make Reading Fun for Your Kids!

“Listen to this, Granny!”, Kayla, my nine-year-old granddaughter, would exclaim before diving into reading, aloud, a section of her very own subscription magazine to me. She usually read the stories…

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Teach Your Young Ones From Home

With everything going on in the world right now, it is easy for children to put learning on hold and just enjoy being a kid. While that isn’t a bad…

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